
6 March 2010 > Souled Out

talk number 2...'souled out' by Sis. Eu Pui...at first she let us play dodgeball...yes..dodgeball...how fun...and thn the real talk comes...while using the story of the first disciples taken from Luke 5...namely Simon Peter and the rest...did you know that Simon Peter's reaction when he saw the miracle was 'OMG', literally...

and again...errors...urghh..*bangs head against computer*

27 Feb 2010 > Talk - True Love Waits

okay...first official talk of the year...about BGR...we invited Rev Mike Constantine and his wife for this...so..yeah..I am clueless about how to talk about this...long story short - he mainly shared some 'general knowledge', experience, children's experience and etc etc...and ended with a special way of letting us ask questions - texting...
quote 'when puppy love ends, you'd feel like a dog' - Rev Mike

and yet again...errors....bear with me people...

20 Feb 2010 > CNY Celebration

oh joy..Chinese New Year Celebration...obviously we did something that has something to do with CNY...and as usual...we did games..how obvious...we did something like a treasure hunt..which basically isn't a treasure hunt, cuz treasure hunts have something to do with treasure which this one don't...and as thee usual evil PICs would do...they'd made us walk up and down and up and down and up and down...from the first floor to the fifth floor and again and again...urghh...but then again...it was actually fun in some way...how weird...

yet again...with the error...will post up the pics as soon as the error's gone...


6 Feb 2010 > Workshop

Umm..yeah..this time we did workshop...by Lee Yng..but I got no idea what's the title of it..so I just put 'workshop'..if you want to knoe whats the title then you should ask Lee Yng for it...if I'm not mistaken..the main point of the workshop is about life or something...err..so I probably wasn't paying much attention...merentas desa that day...too tired to remember...the part which I can remember is the wish list and 'Ah Keong's Life of Dreams' or something...

and yet again with the error thing...can't post any pics at all...urghh...


30 Jan 2010 > BTW (Build Team Work)

btw...this time we had BTW aka build team work by Sis. Lee Mei...mainly we were taught on how to build team work...we played two games based on team work...one was tangled or something..kinda forgot the name...and the other game some of the people were blindfolded and some were made OKUs aka orang kurang upaya...and the OKUs need to bring the so called blind people across an obstacle course....so mainly thats all...umm..yeah..no pics...got some sort of error...will post the pictures up as fast as possible though...

16 Jan 2010 > Cottage Meeting > Kong's residence

so second meeting of the year...umm..actually I didn't came this week...got school replacement...so for all I know...there were games and food I think...it was at Nicholas Kong's house...the pictures are not with me...I don't really know whether the the pictures were even taken or not...so..err...if anyone knew who took the pics and what happened...if possible please edit this post for me or just send me everything...thanks...

9 Jan 2010 > We Are Back!?

err...so..err...yeah...as said..we are back...as in the MIF is back...I know this was supposed to be posted like...months ago...err..well...I don't really have any lame excuse that can be accepted to say..so lets just keep moving on...

so...during We Are Back!?...well...obviously means we are back with all the games and talks and workshops and fellowship and etc etc...

obviously we had games this time...don't tell me you've been expecting a talk at the start of the year...if not mistaken...we had two games this time...one was hockey and the other don't really have a name..or it does have a name but I just don't know about it...oh well then...enjoy...

Ben was the worship leader btw...
happy being MIFers...
Lee Yng seems happy with her tennis ball...
the guys...
the referee...

and of course...food...