
9 May 2009 > cottage meeting > Yong's residence

This time we had cottage meeting at the Yong's residence...aka Douglas and Benjamin Yong's house...obviously we had games there...nothing else to do also...it was just games...nothing special to talk about...nope nothing ditto...whatever...I'm pretty much speechless here...so here are the pics...

well...before we had praise and worship...everyone was just 'hanging out' or something...
ok...so we had the usual praise and worship...

first game...heart attack...

second game...scissors paper stone..

our two finalist...

and refreshments was prepared for fellowship time...

back at church...we had tea...?

the best way to 'kill' LeeYng's car...let an unlicensed person drive...
well...this is the punishment video of the group that lost scissors paper stone...just watch and you'll know how were they punish...

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